
I am finally emerging from seven months of Long Covid and easing back into teaching longer classes and workshops!

At the moment I have some yoga workshops planned and I hope soon to add shamanic and other workshops.

Yoga workshops at the Asian Cultural Centre 2023:

‘Opening and Strengthening the Heart Area’ Workshop

Sunday 16th April 10.30am – 1.30pm.

Venue: Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, Cowley Rd, Oxford OX4 1GH

We will focus on asana, pranayama and visualisation to open up and strengthen the front of the body. When we develop good posture and breathing habits, and the front and back of the body are in balance, we feel more energised and courageous.

Places are limited and pre-booking is essential. Cost: Sliding scale £40/£35/£30/£25. (If anyone wishes to attend but can’t afford it, please contact me to discuss a further reduction.)

Lower Back” Workshop Sunday 26th February 10.30am – 1.30pm.

Venue: Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, Cowley Rd, Oxford OX4 1GH

Places are limited and pre-booking is essential. Cost: Sliding scale £40/£35/£30/£25. (If anyone wishes to attend but can’t afford it, please contact me to discuss a further reduction.)

Looking after your Lower Back and remedying any issues is partly about correct posture and exercising wisely, and partly about how you take care of that area energetically. In this workshop I will share some ideas and practices centred on strengthening and improving the flexibility and alignment of your lower back, as well as preventing or reducing lower back pain.

I’m an acupuncturist as well as a yoga teacher and will weave some ancient Chinese wisdom into the workshop and encourage you to enhance your energy, listen to your body, and maintain a good balance between exercise and rest, with the aim of supporting your lower back health.

The workshop will consist of a mix of asanas including: exercises to develop core-strength, backbends, twists, forward bends and relaxation.

You will be encouraged to find your own level.

Feedback from ‘Lower Back’ workshop:

“I was really struck at how the three hours flew by in the most gentle of ways, and how the space, coupled with your skilful putting together of poses (I know that you must have put a lot of thought into this) allowed me to build up step by step through the workshop rather than just try to ‘do’ a pose. I so often do this pressured kind of activity, which then results in a feeling of failure. This will sustain and inspire me for some time to come.”


” The soreness in my upper back has eased today thanks to the workshop!”

Victoria L Ralph

“The benefits of the class have been distinctly felt by me subsequently. My lower back now feels reanimated.”

John Hounam

“Restorative Yoga” workshop Sunday 8th January 10.30am – 1.30pm. Places are limited and pre-booking is essential. Cost: Sliding scale £40/£35/£30/£25. (If anyone wishes to attend but can’t afford it, please contact me to discuss a further reduction.)

The restorative yoga workshop will focus on yoga postures suitable for when you are: tired/stiff/injured/practicing before bedtime/wanting a relaxing session/looking for a balance between yin and yang styles.

Or you can just practice them because they make you feel good!

Much of the work is passive, supported by the floor, wall, or other props. These poses can be held for longer than usual to allow your body’s own weight + gravity to bring about a deeper release in the muscles and joints. This also helps develop greater awareness within your body and mind, and can be a voyage of self-discovery.

There’ll be a mix of asanas; including backbends, forward bends and twists, and plenty of emphasis on hip-opening, as well as pranayama and yoga nidra.

Testimonials from previous Restorative Yoga Workshops:

“What a wonderful workshop. Particularly appreciated your calming voice and presence. Great way to spend a Saturday morning. Can not believe how quickly 3 hours went by! Would have probably carried on for another 3 hours not realising how time flies. Feeling very happy and relaxed.” Jo

“I was lucky enough to gain a place, and participate in Sue’s Restorative Yoga Workshop . The morning consisted of a practical exploration of gentle and re-balancing asanas. Sue led us gently through the poses and, with her thoughtful approach, offered alternatives, props and modifications so that we all could benefit. We also took time to fully relax; practice a lovely mindfulness exercise; and do simple pranayama. I never fail to be amazed by the benefits that such yoga can bring. With Sue’s considerate teaching, by the end of the morning, I felt fully restored, lighter of mind and relaxed in body. I even went home compelled to be creative in writing and drawing, following on from the experiences and feelings left over from the class. Sue created a warm and relaxed atmosphere. We felt really comfortable as a group to share our ideas and practice yoga together. Sue is an inspirational yoga teacher and I believe her workshops offer something for everybody. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend any of Sue’s workshops for anyone interested in furthering their yoga and development of themselves.” Debbie Turner

Usually I run regular workshops, mostly half or full days, which include Yoga, Shamanism, and also on topics like forgiveness and facing fears.

Here are some examples of previous workshops:

“Introduction to the Chakras” mini-workshop Sunday 27th November 11am – 1pm. Places are limited and pre-booking is essential. Cost: Sliding scale £30/£25/£20. (If anyone wishes to attend but can’t afford it, please contact me to discuss a further reduction.)



Details on Shamanism page.

Yoga Workshops

See Yoga pages for full details.


This workshop will run again.

“Each of us has a deep need to forgive, but it sometimes feels like an impossible task.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu

We have all hurt others and been hurt ourselves. The act of forgiving (not to be confused with condoning or forgetting) takes courage. It is ultimately liberating, but does not necessarily lead to reconciliation. Forgiveness is a layered process, not to be rushed. However, in the long term being unable to forgive burdens us more than those who wronged us (who may be dead).

Or maybe it is yourself who you need to forgive.

In this workshop we will explore the meaning and implications of forgiving. You will work on valuing, strengthening and understanding yourself to the point where you feel whole enough to let go of blame and set a load down, once and for all. The workshop will include a guided visualisation to nourish and strengthen your heart energy and a ritual, using fire, to release attachments, all leading up to a powerful piece of forgiveness work.


Increased insight around issues and effects of forgiving/not forgiving; nourishment of heart energy; release of extraneous, burdening energies; moving closer towards or achieving completion of forgiveness of an individual or group; gaining insights and information to sustain the process. Limited no. of places, must be booked and paid for in advance.

Feedback from previous ‘Forgiveness’ workshops:

“It was a great workshop that contained zen like profundity led with a heart felt sensitivity that left me humbled and glad.” Marek Ward

“My experience with Supi was during a Shamanic Camp in Dorset in 2014, where she was one of the teachers. Supi ran a session about forgiveness. Her sensitivity towards forgiveness was gentle and inspiring, welcoming the vulnerability of each participant to share within the group. Supi lovingly held the space ensuring that our stories and experiences were forever held by her loving presence. Supi is a gifted teacher and her devotion to this work is easily recognised by her passion for supporting and guiding the emotional release to occur and allow the inner transformation to enhance each and everyone of us.. Her gentle approach is magical..” Being in Beauty 2014

“I was sceptical. By the half way tea break, I had to have a chat with you to stay with it. Then the miraculous took over. I found myself working with Annie as my partner and acknowledging the big pain and block inside. Regarding a forgiveness process, given how much time has elapsed, I unfortunately remember very little but want to honour the work for opening such a difficult door and I am grateful for your help in making my first small steps along the way I need to go into this troubled energy field of sickness.” Thanks Supi, love Peggy

“Walking the Path of Forgiveness”
“Supi travelled to Canada  to bring this work to the Returning to 4 Legs Shamanic Gathering in 2014. In this workshop Supi explored the meaning and implications of forgiving. With almost  devotional tending which  held a true spear of truth Supi held the group to work on valuing, strengthening and understanding themselves to deep breath point of awareness where everyone not just felt whole enough but knew they were whole enough to let go of blame and set down long carried burdens, once and for all. The ceremonial workshop  included guided visualisation to nourish and strengthen heart energy and fire ritual to release attachments, all leading up to powerful piece of forgiveness work for participants which rippled out to all who came close to  them
Supi says of herself that she experiences life as a precious gift and understands that being human is immensely challenging; she brings this experience and understanding into this powerful yet freeing work.” Rev Elder John-Luke Edwards, Sagh’ic Tire Dhream Tradition